04 Nov 00

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More Stuff

My kids think it's fun to do their own dishes. Who am I to argue? I might let them do their own laundry, too. I actually took them to K-Mart to pick out their very own dishes, since I didn't have any anyway. Moomie chose a solid red plastic set, and Boober picked a Scooby-Doo setting.

Moomie had been in second grade in Colorado, but upon moving here and taking his placement test, his lack of concentration really gave the administration some concern, so they have placed him temporarily in first again, to give him the chance to display the focus a second grader needs. This is a good thing, I think. Really.

Boober is in kindergarten, which is new for him because in Colorado he missed the age cutoff by two days. Although his examiner pronounced him ready, there are things he sorely needs to practice, such as letter recognition and writing his name. That latter is atrocious. I have to make him some tracing sheets.

Their first day of school was Halloween, so of course there wasn't much serious study going on. The children had a parade all about the school grounds in costume.

Monday night, the night before Halloween, the town held a parade that featured organizations from all the nearby towns, Lions Club and Cub Scouts and all that, you know. Some of the costumes were very clever, and we laughed out loud at the Cub Scout troop all dressed as Harry Potter. That was delightful. We watched the parade from a patch of grass just outside our building, on the other side of the train track, lounging around in the foldy lawn sofa featured here previously. We had to bring our own snacks rather than buy any, as the tow truck driver had just taken my last $35 jump starting me because someone had turned on a dome light in the van during the daytime, and therefore I hadn't noticed. Sheesh.  

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