15 Nov 00

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So, you know, I am drinking. When things went to shit before, somebody special would say, "Well at least you're drinking. That's a good thing."

Damn, I don't know if I am allowed to quote that.

I don't know what I'm allowed to do anymore. I feel impotent at work, extorted by the school system, and completely misunderstood by some of my friends. I've been spat at for not protesting the election, abused by Verizon (may their stock plummet and their systems get hacked), told that my kids aren't mature and are unready to learn, and a whole buncha other stuff, and I swear I don't know if I feel more like mailing a pipe bomb or eating a bullet.

I am very much not on my game, and the things that I DO get right are being perverted into monstrosities that in no way resemble the original output.

I am a small, feeble,weak and powerless thing, having operated under the illusion that I am strong and capable.

And I need to get laid, goddammit! 

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