14 Jan 01

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Another Bus Story

I promised two bus stories. This is the second.

I was required to travel in my dress uniform, so there I sat in the bus, among maybe six or seven passengers. It was late in the evening, and this tall Asian guy got on the bus, bringing with him a shorter, older Asian guy. He said something to his companion, and then sat him down next to me before leaving the bus. I was irritated. In this whole empty vehicle, with all this seating, I had someone sitting next to me. Erg.

My memory gets fuzzy here, but we struck up a conversation, this short guy and I. He turned out to maybe come up to my collarbone at best, and I am 5'6". His English was horrendous, but his manner charming and polite. I discovered that he was recently retired from the Taiwanese Army, and on his way to California to open a Chinese restaurant.

Don't ask me how we wound up all fingers and grasping and crazy kissing. Those days, these things happened all of a sudden and with some kind of frequency. I do distinctly recall telling him sternly, "I do not have sex on the bus!"
"This bus?"
"Any bus!"

We got off in Knoxville. The desk people at the motel seemed to find us a funny couple, a young female soldier and an older, shorter Asian guy, sucking face with abandon in the lobby while we waited for our key.

He was acrobatic. I know he threw me into the air more than once. For his lack of height, he was made of strong sinews and was rock hard, all over. He threw himself relentlessly into the proper and thorough fucking of me. It was hot and crazy and extremely energetic. He completely exhausted me. And that's saying a lot.

The next morning we parted ways, I to the south and he to the west. He insisted that I take $50, just as a gift, over all my protests. I made my way home... 

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