03 Feb 01

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Question of the Day

Loving life is a big fat stogie and double strong coffee. And something has gone awry - my cigar was all drooly on the end the other night and I actually liked it. Life is funny that way. Everything changes.

Sometimes I have vivid flashes of awakening clarity. Suddenly reality hits me in that incredibly palpable way that it does, say for instance, after a traffic accident. Or the moment you first leave home on your own, unwatched-over, unsafe.

Yet I feel like a movie character still. It's a very weird state of mind these days.

So, here's a new question for you. (Here's where I wish I had a legion of readers, because I really want a lot of feedback on this, but that ain't gonna happen.)

What is it that stops you from being a terrorist? Or a guerilla? Or a revolutinary? Forget good, bad, whatever - what is it that stops you from going outside the law to fight for something?
I do understand that most of you have probably never thought of it before, never even considered it. But if you considered it right now...

Think, what is the one thing you can think of that would be, for you, most worth fighting for? Imagine it, hold it. Now see it taken from you, if you have it, or held tauntingly away from you, if you don't. What stops you? What is it that keeps you from reaching out and taking it or making it, or freeing it? What is your barrier? 

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