23 Feb 01

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Hug Me Not

It's quiet. The email has already slacked off to its usual weekendish bare trickle. Long pauses occur during which there is no mail at all. I barely recall what it was like in the snail mail days when I got an envelope maybe four times a year.

A friend of mine is looking for work. He's accomplished in Arcview GIS and AutoCAD, as well as the usual Microsoft family. Tell all yer friends and get the word out. Dude is in Central Jersey. You want this guy.

So I am probably going to go to a lunch Sunday, with a local poly group. This is rather exciting, because I have never met any other polys in meatspace. I'll feel less alone, I hope.

I let it slip at work the other day that I don't have just the one boyfriend. One of the guys was amazed at the accomodating attitude of one of our coworkers, who is female, has toward her fiancee. He said that she should come and teach his wife something, as he is so tired of being bossed around. My guard was down and I said something about my guys not minding that I boss them around. I got stares and open mouths all around. "Guys??!!" somebody said. "Uh, yeah. Hey, look, they have cake!" said I, referring to the birthday cake being carried down the hall, thankful for the distraction. I took off toward the kitchen after the cake.

So, anyway, this lunch is coming up Sunday, and not that there is any pressure or anything, heh, but there's been some tension, and lots of discussion, over somebody who might tend to be insensitive about people's boundaries. In a time when I was less than now, I might have let this scare me off the whole thing, but now I feel perversely provoked into going. The feeling is one of beligerent insistence on having a good time, and damn anyone who doesn't want me to. Heh.

Hope nobody tries to hug me. Wink. 

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