18 Mar 01

bigass list
of entries

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Sunday Sunday

It's been an action packed and fun filled weekend. My kids actually cut me some slack Friday night and Saturday, so I got a lot of the website fleshed out. It's not so much that there's new stuff, although there is. It's that a lot of stuff I'd worked on a little here and there in the past is now uploaded and linked in. Now I just need to assign a few domains and I can get down to maintenance work. Except for CurseNet. A LOT needs to happen on that end of the site. Most of the expansion occurred in the About section.

I spent today, Sunday, travelling all over the place and socializing. Both my bi list and my poly list had activities today, and I didn't want to miss either, so it meant coordination and a lot of travel, but it was well worth it. I enjoyed very much, and it helped me overcome somewhat the loneliness I get when I go to church.

It's a good church, but it's vast and populous. I just get lost in the faces. And the area where coffee hour is held gets all crowded, and it's in the middle of travel in all directions, so it triggers my agoraphobia and I have a hard time staying. And people have already formed their social circles, which it's difficult to break into. I get rather lonely and depressed every time I go, but the children love it there, and it's worth the sacrifice for that. 

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