10 Oct 01

bigass list
of entries

 in the
brought to
you by

Conman Laboratories
The Really Are Out There

They are everywhere. Everywhere. Look out your window and count to ten. You will probably see at least three in that time, unless you live in the stix. Their numbers have increased dramatically in recent weeks. They watch. They wander. They wait.

They are unmarked white vans.

Look at them. Look for them. You won't have to look hard.

What are they doing? Why are they there? And do they know anything about your missing socks?

Foil them. Thwart them at every opportunity. Duck down - don't let them see your face. Catch them circling the area at 3:00 am. They think we don't know, and they are right, but by god we are going to find out! 

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connected || ExplodingGoat || joyfulNOIZE || Smart Ass Advice