I worked the NJ primaries today. Why do we bother? All the
fuss and brouhaha is over, really, in the national races. State and local are understandable.
The machines were set up oddly, prolly because the candidacies
were set up oddly. The Republicans were having a helluva time making the machine work because of
an easily overlooked difference in voting for a presidential candidate and voting for a presidential
candidate with the straight ticket thingy going on. I am not describing the situation well due to the
addled brains that come with fatigue. Anyway, today was a pain in the ass, but it was capped off with
some cheap supermarket sushi, which took some hunting down since most of the stores had closed the
sushi section.
I was so tired today thanks to a horrific case of insomnia last
night. It was well after 3:30 am before oblivion took me, and today's start was early. Dammit.
Moomie is not doing well. Academically, he seems ok, although
he still has the problem of focusing his concentration. However, emotionally, the staff at his school
believe that he is suffering from depression, and are calling in the brain pros.
I need to be there. This changes everything.