29 Dec 01

bigass list
of entries

 in the

People I Know
The Boston Diaries
Samurai Administrator
Azagthoth's LiveJournal
Other Great Journallers
Medea Sin

brought to you by
Conman Laboratories
Another Online Test

I am 57% evil.

I'm getting there. I haven't done all the damage I could do but I've done quite a bit. I'm just over the border into the Evil Zone.

Are you evil? find out at Hilowitz.com

Of course, what they mean by evil is what I mean by wicked. To me, evil is more of a malignancy on humankind, not a factor of whether my sex is kinky or not.

One day I am going to look back at these times and find it funny that there are so many online tests now. It's so hysterical. And I can't help but take most of them, just to see what Lord of the Rings character I am (Eowyn) or what Winnie the Pooh character I am (Kanga) or any of a number of absurd things. They are fun, and occasionally I do post the results in my journal. But what you see in here is a very small portion of the number I take. The rest of the results and links I send to Daveworld.  




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