03 Jan 02

bigass list
of entries

 in the

People I Know
The Boston Diaries
Samurai Administrator
Azagthoth's LiveJournal
Other Great Journallers
Medea Sin

brought to you by
Conman Laboratories
Postcards from NowHere

I got an email from Rory. It appears that some old link on my site is feeding into his old address, and he wanted me to be appraised of his new one. His site is called Postcards from NowHere, and I am way behind. Those of you who read Randomly Ever After might remember Rory from Musings of The Gus, which was its previous incarnation. He was (and still might be - I am not caught up on his site) a wandering spirit, quite the nomad, with a very interesting way of telling a tale.

Anyway, go have a look. There's some deep philosophy in there, and some adventures. 




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