05 Jan 02

bigass list
of entries

 in the

People I Know
The Boston Diaries
Samurai Administrator
Azagthoth's LiveJournal
Other Great Journallers
Medea Sin

brought to you by
Conman Laboratories

[Warning for the literal minded - the following is not literal, it's virtual, except for the part where it's our anniversary. That, and my love for Wlofie, are very much in the realm of "true" reality.]

Wlofie and I had a beautiful and romantic anniversary. It started off with dinner at The Straits Cafe, a Singaporean themed place with various Asian style foodstuffs. We had sweet and sour chicken balls for appetizers, then ginger scallops for him, seafood tempura for me. Dessert was watermelon ice and strawberry banana pudding. The place was filled with music by Shueh-li Ong. I had never heard her stuff before, but I liked it a lot.

Our tummies nice and full, we strolled down the sidewalk, listening to music coming from the various clubs. We were serenaded by a street saxophonist, and danced on the cobblestones. He got a big tip.

We strolled to the hotel, where we chose from among several impressively themed suites. The winner was a honeymoon suite in the style of a New Zealand converted convent. Such beauty! We soaked up the sunset through the Gothic arched windows, then decided to take a stroll in a riverside park.

To get TO the park, though, I called for a horse-drawn carriage. The air was so fresh and wonderful, and the world looks differently from the height and slowness of a carriage.

After a hand-in-hand meandering walk among the geese, benches, and gazebos in the charming park, we found ourselves in a state to rush back to the hotel via regular taxi, with a fast and furious make-out session in the back.

I'm not telling you what happened in the honeymoon suite. *wicked grin*

Happy anniversary, my sweet beloved! 




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