09 Jan 02

bigass list
of entries

 in the

People I Know
The Boston Diaries
Samurai Administrator
Azagthoth's LiveJournal
Other Great Journallers
Medea Sin

brought to you by
Conman Laboratories
If It Ain't Raining...

...we ain't training.

Actually it isn't raining now, but I'm in training anyway. I've got a six week course at NegiYo (how's that for a pseudonym - is that ok?) to get through. What in the world can they possibly fill up six weeks with? Guess I'll find out.

I'm dragging ass today. I flopped into bed at the unbelievable hour of 10 pm last night, exhausted from residual tiredness of two days of this stuff already. I have to be at training at the unholy hour of 8 am. That's severe hardship in Condo Napalm, hell, in the Geek Posse in its entirety.

Speaking of The Posse, we got together at La Bamba last night for Napalm's birthday. when a pack of geeks descends upon you, you know it. I can imagine the neighbors' faces at overhearing how to utterly screw with display models at computer stores.

I only had one margarita, I swear. It really was the fatigue that did me in.  




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