22 Jan 02

bigass list
of entries

 in the

People I Know
The Boston Diaries
Samurai Administrator
Azagthoth's LiveJournal
Other Great Journallers
Medea Sin

brought to you by
Conman Laboratories
I Heard the News Today, Oh Boy

So, by now you may have heard the news, either from my Domestic Partner or my roommate and friend about the letter of condo nazi malice . Well, here's the follow-up to the story. I'm a seething ball of ire.

I'll tell you one thing. There is no way in hell I'd recommend any friend or relative of mine, be they young family, senior citizen, empty-nester, whatever - there's no way I'd let them buy into a condo, most especially any of the XXXXXXXX* Condominiums in Coconut Creek, Florida. No freedom-loving red-blooded self-deterministic American who gets all welled up at the "Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness" clause in our own Declaration of Independence should submit themselves to the fascist governance of such a condo association. If you were thinking about it, think again. They'll tell you what kind of vehicle you may buy. They'll tell you what kitchen tile you may have. They'll outlaw your patio furniture! Any change in their whim is a change in your life. Would you submit?

Anyone for whom this sounds like a good deal, I know of a condo for sale.


*Damn! Edited for legal protection. Freedom of speech my big white ass! I'll give you a clue - in New Jersey, municipal areas are divided into Boroughs and ... now you're cooking.  




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