15 Mar 00
in the



This Has Got To End

    I did not get the ISP job.  This is a disappointment.  I am terribly confused.  Friday they couldn't wait to get their hands on me, and today they say they may not need me in the foreseeable future.  I can only think I have done something wrong somewhere along the line, but what it is, I don't know.
    Maybe I am destined to be self employed and am just running from my destiny.  I don't like this though.  I want teamwork.  I need to be the right hand.
    Manpower hooked me up with a real estate office that needs some secretarial help.  I am hoping I didn't somehow botch that too, and I'll get a call in tomorrow.  The interview went well, as far as I know, and their needs are great.  I can be of use there.
    I moved the computer again.  Reflection from the windows was making day work impossible.  The table has been taken from the dining room and moved into the enormous room of no name, facing outward, so the screen faces the wall.  This is a huge improvement, and my eyes are happy.  I have been working on a sailing site all day, except for the parts during which I made phone calls and did a job interview.