23 Jan 02

bigass list
of entries

 in the

People I Know
The Boston Diaries
Samurai Administrator
Azagthoth's LiveJournal
Other Great Journallers
Medea Sin

brought to you by
Conman Laboratories
Minor Changes

A couple of minor changes. Below you will see links to the about page and the search page. The about page has a brand new pic on it. Yay!

I also have firmly decided to drop the Adventure! game. We are at the end of an adventure, so it's a good stopping point, plus I'll probably be working Sundays anyway. I was spending more time arguing with myself over whether to drop the game than I was in actually playing the game, so that's a good signal to me to stop. 


  current image

connected || ExplodingGoat || joyfulNOIZE || Smart Ass Advice