07 Feb 02

people i know
The Boston Diaries
Resilient's LiveJournal
Azagthoth's LiveJournal
other great journallers
Medea Sin
The Daily Brad

brought to you by
Conman Laboratories


Template Woes

I think the template is now adapted enough to allow Netscape readers to see the entries. I'm at work at the moment, where there is Netscape 4.75 installed, so I can proof the work. There is nothing to be done about the transparency of the innermost tables, so the bakcground image in the parent cells had to go. Ah well. The page does not look the same in Nutcase as it does in Internet Exploder, but at least it won't make me barf. Took some color tweaking to get it right.

The wishlist is growing. I've been looking at ThinkGeek. Heh.

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