03 Mar 02

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When an Atheist Engineer Becomes Pope

So, I was reading Napalm's entry about Star Wars, and halfway through it, I exclaim, "No way!"

"No way what?" he asks me.

"No way is it Han!"

"Oh yeah? Who then?"


This sparks a lively yet silly debate on whether a leader should be a figurehead or a fighter, whether Han has any sense of personal discipline, and whether an atheist engineer is ever likely to be Pope.

"There's nothing in canonical law that says he can't!" protests Napalm.

"True, but it still ain't gonna happen."

"Are you saying Han Solo can never be a Jedi?"

"No that's not what I am saying at all. What I am saying is that he isn't going to be THE Jedi. No way is he The One."

"Of course he's The One!"

"Look at Leia. She's smart, she's tough, she's not a whiny little wuss like Luke. But she's not a crazy-ass committor of crimes across the universe like Han either. She's got self discipline."

"Nope. Han is The One."

"Han doesn't have any mitichlorians!" When I say this, Napalm gets a look of alarm and revulsion, and begins to flap his hands in the air. "Ack, ack, ack, phooey!"

"You liked it better when it was religion and not biochemistry, didn't you?"

"A philosophical religion, yes. The whole mitichlorian thing makes it into a class issue."

"But talent is involved. There are talents and some of these things are biologically determined. It doesn't make any one person any better than another."

"Clones can't use the Force."

"Maybe the act of cloning kills the mitichlorians."

"I have no answer for that."

"Who's gonna teach Han anyway?"

"Well who's gonna teach Leia?"

"I dunno," I admit.

"Who taught the first Jedi?"

"I dunno. Maybe he was studying something else and said, 'Hey!, look what else I can do!'"

I still think it's Leia.

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