13 Mar 02

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The Boston Diaries
Resilient's LiveJournal
Azagthoth's LiveJournal
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Medea Sin
The Daily Brad

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Conman Laboratories


Just So's You Know

When I ask you if I may put you on hold to run some diagnostics, sometimes that means I urgently need to blow my nose.

A local company recently held a lottery to see who gets the opportunity to buy what surplus equipment. I was one of the lucky weiners! I got a Dell P233 PC minus its hard drive and memory for $50. I don't think that's all that shabby. Wlofie threw me a tantalizing idea: MOSIX it with the Linux box that I have been meaning to work on for the past couple of months. That would be sexy.

Wlofie also pointed me to this very useful index of Linux commands. God, geeks are sexy!

first entries ever
connected || ExplodingGoat || joyfulNOIZE || Smart Ass Advice
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