02 Apr 02


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Log File Search Scanner

Napalm wrote me a little proggie to scan my log files for search requests, and present a report that tells what page was served up, what the referring engine was, what the search term was, and any other options set on the search. This will make it tons easier to post disturbing search requests.

I'm making it output to files so I can get a better look at them. There isn't really anything to see for April yet, but here are the results for March, February, and January. These logs are for URLs that begin with www.springdew.com/ .WARNING! People search for some pretty messed up things. Do not read if you are squeamish.

There are separate logs for URLs that begin with connected.springdew.com/, so here are the March, February, and Janurary results from those, too.

Just watch. Now that I have linked to the log output, I'll be getting search hits to the outputs themselves. Heh.

first entries ever
connected || ExplodingGoat || joyfulNOIZE
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