06 Apr 02


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I'm behind on ExplodingGoat. There's really only one title in the hopper just now, but I've been so busy with other things, that I just haven't felt up to fooling with it. And lately, my creative energy has all been flowing into the store. Well, almost all. Whatever creative energy hasn't been siphoned off into thinking about hypothetical screenplays for non-existent television shows.

Last night, I did spend a little time playing hamster Lego. I felt bad about having relegated Shortwave to the downstairs bedroom, but we couldn't get any sleep, as the allegedly "nocturnal" creature was finding it quite necessary to kick up a racket at 7am. But now he has a setup that he seems quite excited about.

While looking for a Habitrail link, I stumbled upon this site, with some fairly funny stuff on it. I especially like "If Dr. Seuss were a technical writer".

Surprisingly, the plants seem to have taken a turn for the better. They've stopped dropping leaves and actually begun making shoots again. The bits I pinched off did finally develop some roots, so I potted them last night.

I couldn't get up today. I slept right through the alarm and missed Wlofie time, which has me down. Probably the schedule will need to be adjusted to allow me to catch up on sleep on Saturdays and still get to see the honey.

Oh, and we no longer need worry about Callie's upcoming psychotic episode. She took her delusions to the grave with her; she was flung to her death by a giant. R.I.P. Calendula Sperry. I'll be playing various flunkies through the rest of this adventure, while figuring out who I want to be next. I'm actually looking forward to it, playing five Level 1 fighters who are essentially Star Trek style Red Shirt Guys. Frankly, it sounds like a nice break from trying to figure out creative interpretations and combinations of magic spells, researching through an enormous stack of books as quickly as possible to see if my spell list contains SOMEthing useful.

I'll miss the weasels, though. Two bought the farm, and the last was released from pethood when his mistress died.

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