11 Apr 02


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Internaitonal Channel

I love the International Channel. I don't ever understand what anybody's saying, but you can get a lot from body language. I saw this episode of "Best Theater" last night that had me crying. It was a love story about the proprietor of the Snoopy and Woodstock Snack Bar and a single mom salesperson. Thank goodness there was a happy ending; that's not something you can count on across cultures.

One I sometimes catch bits of while Napalm is in the shower is "Food, Glorious Food". As far as I can gather, it's a comedy-drama about a master chef. Although I understand that they aren't showing it anymore; they're replacing it with "Poet Mr. Tong", which got a horrible reivew. According to the reviewer, they essentially take a literary figure and make him a martial arts expert and noble warrior. That's like doing a series about Mark Twain where he's remade as a Jedi Knight.

Hm, now that I see the poster up close, I realize that this very poster is in the window of the market where I buy soap.

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