24 Jun 00
 in the
generated by
Conman Laboratories

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Synergy Corp
A Dream Just Now

     The dream began with riding around, a tour of a military post, it looked like. Nice neighborhood. Apparently my part in this was to infiltrate a 12-step program for people associated but not necessarily in the military. Something was going on that shouldn't be. I got in and got comfy. Hung back like a newbie should, knew the right things to say, struck up a rapport with a very young woman.
     The dream skipped the whole part where I find out what is going on and how to get involved, cutting straight to meeting the guy to whom I gave a big fat envelope, and who gave me a letter sized envelope with a nice small stack inside. I didn't open it, sliding it into the front pocket of my briefcase, and thanked him cordially. He sent me out with the smooth associate, who in the car removed a very plain revolver from his own leather case. I had a feeling he would do this.
     "Aw, cmon," I said, "Please don't do this to me." I carefully removed the envelope, the delightful white packet of perfect weight and size, and gave it over. He thrust the pistol toward me and I said quickly, "Don't do that to me either! Can't I offer you something?" Calmly I was thinking how to disarm him. He was very confident. He dug around my bag and pulled out my own pistol, appropriating my ammo. I don't know why he would do this. Like any dream, this one doesn't make any sense. In fact, I feel stupid for writing it down.  
