15 Apr 02


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Robot Voices

Well. It's payday, and it's tax day. It's also Monday. We always get a call spike in tech support on Monday. I think it comes to about 10 - 25% more calls than on regular days. Makes sense, because we get a dip on Saturday and Sunday. Probably about 50% of the norm or less.

Tax day - it's looking like a refund for both Napalm and me. And this will be my last year doing NJ state income tax. They owe me not only a refund from last year, but also the refund from the year before that I had purposely rolled over into this year, expecting to have a tax liability that never materialized. That's a good thing.

Pay day - whoa do we need it this time. The condo is sucking the lifeblood right out of us. We are going into high gear getting the damned thing ready for sale.

Last night I ate so well. One of my coworkers was complaining about his lunch, and I said, "Well, hell, it probably beats a baloney sandwich."

"No it doesn't. I'd take a baloney sandwich any day."

"Well, what've you got?"

"Chicken breast in spicy sauce with vegetables."

"And you want to trade that for a BALONEY SANDWICH??!!"

"Well, yeah."

Oh I was eating so fine. This chicken breast was so juicy and tender, not all stringy like leftovers can get, you know. Oh man, the sauce was kind of garlicky and kind of spicy. I think its base was jerk sauce, with extra stuff thrown in.

I found out later that the reason he hates his leftovers is that he nukes 'em wrong. He puts them in the microwave on high for a minute. Bad, bad, bad. No wonder his chicken comes out chewy and the sauce turns to paste. The microwave has automatic settings; they should be used! There's one right there that says "dinner plate" and it totally regulates power levels and duration. Perfect almost every time. Maybe I shouldn't have told him. I could have been eating splendidly for weeks, just trading off baloney sandwiches for the good stuff. Ah, well.

Yesterday I downloaded Netscape Navigator in standalone mode so I can review my work cross-browser without having to borrow Napalm's machine. I was worried about it taking over my system, but I managed to catch all the settings just in time (as far as I can tell) and nothing of significance has been changed.

I don't like the way this journal looks in Netscape. It doesn't look broken; it's just that tables and their backgrounds are interpreted differently, and the design is less crisp. All the lovely black edges are gone. It goes all mushy. Ah, well.

I also downloaded Eudora for my own personal education. A sizeable segment of my customer base uses this email program, and before last night, I knew absolutely nothing about it. It's amazingly powerful! It works with Kerberos and LDAP even. It does all kinds of stuff that regular mail clients don't do. It's even capable of using text-to-speech to read out the From and Subject lines of emails as they come in.

For testing purposes, I have this thing checking my me address, which I don't use for personal purposes anymore, since it's so spam-choked as to defy belief. It's hysterical to hear its robot voice reading off porn spam subject lines. There are about eleventeen different voices you can use, but they all sound like robots to me.

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