07 May 02


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Print Media

I am sooooo tired. I've been working on logos, which doesn't sound all that tiring. Only problem is, they are for print media, which means extremely high rez at high layout sizes. And when you are developing an image, it's kind of hard to get around using layers. This machine has 128 MB of RAM on a p233. It's really not made for desktop publishing, which is essentially what this task is. My machine's for web graphics.

So, anyway, trying to work with these huge unwieldy files on an underpowered machine means lots of waiting. It also means the most extreme care, as I've had to cut how many steps back Undo can go, and one Undo can cost insane amounts of time to accomplish.

The process seems to go like this:

open file
have smoke while waiting
move portion of image
cook food while waiting
add new layer
clip nails while waiting
merge layer
take shower while waiting
save file
write novella longhand (I can't use the computer - it's busy) while waiting

The thing is, I can't always come up with clever things to do while waiting, so I wind up sitting here watching my image change one square at a time in ultra-slow worse-than-bionic-man motion.

It's really frustrating.

The same sort of manipulation that would take less than 30 minutes if this were a web graphic at, say, 800 x 800 pixels or less at 72 dpi has taken me three hours. And I sho nuff is beat. My muscles even hurt. That's crazy.

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