07 May 02


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Not At Fault

So, Lake Lumina has a bash in it.

(Boober begins every conversation with, "So..." I wonder where he gets that?)

We went to Condo Conner, in the fascist hell that is The Townships, ok just Karanda VI, on a mission to pick up some crutches I had left there. Lo and behold, someone leaving the parking lot didn't see us and backed right into the Lumina. The rear passenger door has a nice little bowl in it.

The other party didn't get a ticket, which I find nothing short of miraculous. If it'd been me, no mercy whatsoever. At any rate, without a citation, I don't know if the other party's insurance is going to cover this. We plainly were not at fault, and the Lumina's insurance has a deductible.

By the way, it's called Lake Lumina because it once was afflicted with a strange condition whereby it deposited the contents of a lake into the passenger floorboard on a daily basis.

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