16 Jun 02


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While I Was Down

Well, I feel a bit better. Certain goals are getting nearer and clearer as the steps toward them are taken. The ex seems to have put down the rocket launcher for the moment. My health is a bit up and down, but that's alright.

There was a plan on to go to Cape Canaveral - or Cape Kennedy, not sure which - with Corsair on Friday, but that plan got scrapped for a combination of reasons, one of which was the incredible pain and swelling in my right ear. I had just been to the doctor about it, and the antibiotics hadn't been ingested yet, so the very idea of a motorcycle helmet was unthinkable.

Instead, Corsair came over for a movie night at The Facility. We watched a few episodes of Cowboy Bebop and then Swordfish. Then the subject of Demolition Man came up while Corsair was perusing the titles and I got a sudden craving.

Hey, don't blame me for my silly sense of humor. I get it honest from both parents. So the running shtick about the three seashells and other instances of time/culture clash tend to keep me giggling through the picture. Corsair and Napalm are less than impressed.

We got thoroughly soaked yesterday moving the last of the large items from the condo. We've been having trouble scheduling transport for the last straggling bits of furniture, but we finally got people, conveyances and schedules together long enough to pull it off. Only problem is, it's monsoon season (by the way, another reason the motorcycle trip got cancelled). It's been raining for a week and a half now.

On the way over to Condo Napalm, we stopped off at Tram*Law for some tarps. Tarps have really come down in price since the last time I bought any, something like 10 years ago. Very nice.

Sadly, I was subjected to what happens to Tram*Law on a rainy Saturday in the daytime hours. I got in the door and froze - wall to wall people. I got through it by keeping my mind focused on the task, keeping my eyes focused on Napalm's ass, and breathing really, really slowly. It took us three tries to find the tarps, as they were in neither Outdoor Supplies nor Home Improvement, but rather in Sporting Goods.

The rest of the loading and moving and unloading was pretty uneventful, except for the part where I was drying off particle board with a hairdryer so that hopefully it won't swell up and warp. So far it looks like the tactic worked. The dresser is downstairs, waiting for its chance to come upstairs and take a place in the closet. The bookshelf has already gone up to Azagthoth's room. The dining table is still in pieces, but there will soon be room to set it up. Feels good to get this stuff done.

Last night we went over to Mischief's for some board games. We've been meaning to get together and hang out for the longest time, but I just got done several weeks of overtime that took up the last of my free time. We munched some bagel bites, chicken wings, and potato skins while playing Starbase Jeff and Tikal. It was a nice relaxing way to spend an evening.

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