12 Jul 02


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The Dreaded Dreads

So, the dreads were a failure. We gave it an honest try, but it just did not work out.

Starting Saturday, Napalm and I spent a total of 16 or so hours (8 hours the first night and two more nights of approximately 4 hours each) trying to make my hair do the right thing, but it's sneaky stuff; it was sliding tendrils out of the grasp of mere mortals. By the time all the locks were dreaded up and waxed, there was about as much hair escaped as there was in the locks. Some of it had even escaped part of one lock to go join up with another. It was not pleasing. There were waxy wisps and recalcitrant hair trailing hither and yon like cobwebs. I way didn't like it.

There were but two paths - try to rescue them, or cut them off. My life is ramping up for big changes ahead and the last thing I need right now is a major fight with my hair, so I wound up going with plan B.

And I loved the results! Oh pineapple head! It was so incredibly cute that it made me sad, sad, sad not to be able to keep it. The only way I could think of keeping the look would be to put rubber bands around each of the little mini-locks, but I know from experience - that way lies major headaches. Actual headaches. I can't restrain my hair much, because I get the most painful drug-resistant headaches that go on for days and days.

Now it's had a good washing, though it took forever to get all that beeswax out. Because I just cut the locks off, and didn't fool with the wispy bits that had been between the locks, the effect turned out rather well. The "weeds" give it a wild look that I like a lot. All the purple didn't go, but you can definitely see the blonde more clearly now.

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