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Comics Revisited

I've been cruising around online comics, and found a few new favorites, so I thought it would be nice to revisit the subject, with a few links. In order from most favorite to least favorite...

Sluggy Freelance still takes the top position, although I frankly could have done without Torg Potter and the Sorcerer's Nuts. The "Kitten" revisitation currently going on is most cool, so far. Keep milk handy.

I thought I had already linked to Nothing Nice To Say, but I guess not - can't find it in the archives. It claims to be the first online punk comic strip. Most of the music references are lost on me, because I'm terrible with names and such. But the comic is funny even for me, and I like the rants that come with each strip - like a journal and comic all in one.

I have followed several comics links from Nothing Nice To Say, in hopes that I'd find something as funny. For the most part, it didn't work, until the link for Movie Punks. These guys are merciless, and hysterical. Plus, they in turn led me to...

Oh My Gods! Religion and spirituality were never so silly. Or maybe they were - are - always have been. This comic points a finger and goes BWAAAAAA HAAA HAAAAA! I love it.

Diesel Sweeties is still in the top ten, although I am not real cool with the story arc with Maura and Metal Steve. I knew she was gonna try something, but I didn't think it was gonna end quite that way. Phooey.

Help Desk is firmly among my constellation of favorites. It's been kind of sporadic of late though due to Christopher's recent move, and, before that, some connectivity woes. I hope things go smoother now.

User Friendly made the list last time also. Frankly, I like the one-time zingers better than the story arcs. They tend to be rather biting and terribly, wickedly, funny.

On to comics that I could like, if only...

Broadband My Ass shows a lot of potential. If only there weren't so many multiple concurrent threads. See, this is part of why I don't like soap operas. Another part is that soap operas suck in plot and acting. Yet a third is that they are on in the hideous DAYtime, when all gentle creatures are sleeping.

Dork Tower is a great print comic and would make an excellent online comic but for two things. Most of the time the site loads slower than the McDonald's drive-thru on a Saturday noon. Plus, an inordinately large proportion of the strip isn't Dork Tower at all, but rather SnapDragons sample pages. If I wanted to see SnapDragons, I would GO OVER to where they live and see them. I am now so irritated at the very possibility of being handed SnapDragons that I don't even visit Dork Tower anymore.

Melonpool is one that I have mentioned in passing before, and it has huge potential. Just two things stand in the way - the need to update more, and the way-overlong "Melonpool's Rock" story arc. You can take a parody much too far sometimes; yes, it is possible to do this.

It is also possible to blow all your "spare" time writing about online comics. Gotta run!

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