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Weakest Link

[I wrote this last Sunday or Monday or something and forgot to post it.]

Oh wow oh wow cool cool cool. I made a typo and discovered that, in EditPlus, if you do Ctrl-D, it inserts the date. If you do Ctrl-Shift-D, it inserts the date all spelled out in long format. I didn't know that.

I'm typing like a maniac. That's how I found that out. At least I'm no longer encumbered by the fingernails. I got them off me this weekend. Rock on!

More coffee ...

[I wrote this just now.]

Cool, cool, cool! Ernie's episode of Weakest Link is finally going to air - in February. He's been under gag order for months about how well he did. I have to tape it if I can't catch it on TV. I'd much rather have a party around it though - it's Ernie for crying out loud! Must see.

Weakest Link
NBC Episode #2127
Airs Thursday 2/27/03

Dates and times vary according to local listings, so we'll need to keep an eye on episode numbers, but it seems to be an afternoon thing around here, as far as I can tell.

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