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Monkey, Monkey, Make Me Rich

I didn't go to D&D today. I am so sick. I coughed up a lung last night at work. Took a lot of medicine. Covered my mouth, though. I have no more sick days left, and at this company, if you take an unpaid sick day, it means disciplinary action. You get written up.

Monkey, monkey, please make me rich. At least well off.

The whole reason I was even at work last night was to make up for a day off I got in advance of the test I took Thursday.

Aaaah the test. It was a travesty. It was a joke. It was an insult to the testing profession, and I should know, because it was my profession. It was so poorly put together, so poorly composed, so unprepared, any administration with some ethics would throw out the results and retest the people, after, of course, completely revising the damned thing. If I had turned out a test like that when I was a test administrator, I'd have been fired on the spot.

I was disappointed not only because it was a poor excuse for a test, but also because it seemed to be the wrong test. Because this thing is a qualifier for promotion, I expected it to actually challenge me on whether I am qualified to be promoted. I expected it to measure somewhat higher levels of practical knowledge. I expected it to be a bit more team-leaderly.

It wasn't. It was a test on the regurgitated hash of the uselessly arcane and archaic data that we received in initial training. It was completely out of touch with real, current work on the floor. It might have been a measurement of the things you needed to know to do the job two years ago, but it bore no relevance to the things you need to know now.

I was bitterly disappointed because I wanted to shine. I really wanted the chance to demonstrate that I am worthy. I've been learning so much, especially the kinds of stuff that will make me a good team leader, and I thought I'd get to show that, but I didn't.

Instead I have to hope that I correctly guessed what they were looking for in their contradictory and vague questions about outdated and unused functionality, and hope I fulfilled it.

I don't think I passed. We'll see.

Hey, I did find out one thing. I can write a multipage, multifunction website entirely in vi without batting an eyelash. That alone makes me feel cool. Cooler than I used to be, anyway.

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