Went to the grocery store yesterday and didn't buy anything I didn't absolutely need. Well, except for the Scoop Style Fritos. The reason the Scoop Style Fritos made it into the cart was that the Bar-B-Q Fritos flung a craving on me. At the A&P, I found the Bar-B-Q Fritos, which the lover happens to like a great deal but which are rather hard to find in these parts, so I bought him two bags, one of which came with me on the aborted meeting attempt in the City today.
I found said Fritos while looking for some ordinary potato chips to go with the baloney that is destined to be in sandwiches all this week. See, a baloney sandwich in and of itself is easy to pass up, but one with potato chips in it is therefore instantly delectable, and worthy of my time and effort. Unfortunately, I picked up the wrong bags. There are now two bags of Baked Lay's in the kitchen. Hope they are good on baloney sandwiches.
Funny thing is, I'll insist on the cheapest package of baloney possible, baloney itself being a frugal item anyway, but to go with it I picked up a three and a half dollar hunk of havarti cheese. There is white American cheese in the fridge, but looking at that big cooler of cheeses, it seemed so comforting and reconciliatory with the part of me that really resents having to haul baloney snadwiches to work, to put some really nice cheese on it so it won't be such a bad thing. The idea is to slice the cheese nice and thin and make it last.
Man I wish I could afford sushi and such other nice things for lunch.
I also picked up a jar-scraping spatula. It's getting harder and harder to access mayo in that big jar with only puny disposable plastic knives.
Oh, and Cap'n Crunch was on sale too. The "Oops, All Berries" variety of Crunch Berries cereal was on sale for $1.48, so you betcher lacy bloomers I grabbed a couple boxes. One of Apple Jacks at the same price too.
This little shopping spree was funded by my change jar. I save up all the change I get, and do not spend it again. The quarters go to laundry day, and the pennies go to the kids' collge funds, but the nickles and dimes are fair game, and I got $36.45 out of them at the coin redeeming machine at the A&P, after the machine's fees were taken out. In addition to the items mentioned above, it was desperately imperative that a gallon of 1% milk go home with me too.
Insha Allah (God willing) this week will be the last week at the airport. As of Thursday, it should be possible to take possession of the new digs and get moved out. It will probably be a week before I can afford some electricity and water to go with it, but hey, it's a home.
Now, for those airline tickets to see my kids in Colorado...