26 Aug 00

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Hobie and the Pub

It occurred to me the other day as I was goofing off on the computer over at Riverside, the pre-owned goods business down the road from me, that the proprietor might resent my references to him as the junk guy. It was insensitive of me, and possibly offensive, certainly as most of what he's got isn't junk, in the Redd Foxx sense of the word. For that, I apologize. As our acquaintence may continue for some time, I'd better pick a name for him, so I pick...Hobie.

Ok, so Hobie and I have something of an arrangement. I'll be helping him out with his computing needs, possibly setting up a network for him, in exchange for goods. Hobie's also looking for help in sorting out his merchandise and disposing of the less lucrative items, as well as someone to help with retail. I'm not inclined to do either, but am keeping my eyes peeled for someone who might be.

I just got back from the pub. That's really what it is, in the pre-American sense of the thing. It's a neighborhood bar, none too sleazy, where local folks go and pretty much all know each other. It's a nice place and I met a few more regulars, and had some fun spectating the shuffleboard match that started up about an hour ago. I only stayed for about two beers worth, which for me is prolly about an hour and a half. Plenty of time. I drink slow. I smoke fast, though, and put a merciless dent in that pack of cigarettes I bought Tuesday. The same bartender was one duty, in fine form. I wonder how many beer glasses he broke before he got the hang of flipping them all around the way he does.

I learned tonight that it is indeed possible to ride a mountain bike with a skirt on. It is, however, a bit of a challenge riding a mountain bike with something of a buzz on. Alas, there was no wafting aroma of pot in the parking lot. Oh well.

Earlier today I had dinner with Artie, my friend from the Monmouth County UU congregation who lives in Long Branch. He's down this way from time to time for some medical treatment, and we'd arranged to have a bite to eat together. He looks good, and his body language says he feels good. That's reassuring. We made good chit chat and enjoyed some fairly healthy food, as diner food goes anyway. It was good to see him again and I look forward to the next time we can do that. Next time, it will be at a more health conscious place to eat. 
