24 January 1999
Up to Speed  

    Still can't stop coughing.  The flu is so persistent.  Thursday the 14th my throat was scratchy.  Friday I began to cough.  Saturday I coughed more and was weak.  Sunday I got a major headache.  Monday my ass dragged.  Monday afternoon the world swirled and broke into pieces and reassebled to do it all over again and again.  I don't remember much about Monday night or most of Tuesday, except that there was fever, coughing, complete gastric distress, and headache, and that I was terrified that the high fever would leave me with brain damage.  I saw chopped up bits of words, meaningless, shiver at me as I tried to read them and couldn't.  Sometime Tuesday night I got my mind back.  Wednesday was more coughing and fever and heaving, but some peaceful rest too.  I came back to work Thursday, unwisely, weak and coughing, and Friday was more of the same.  This weekend I feel more myself and am finally able to eat again, Friday being the first day of solid food (crackers) since the Sunday previous.  But the itchy cough is relentless.
    The companion journal is hosed.  During the outbreak of hives week before last - I didn't write about that??!!!  Oh it was horrible, a pair of long underwear from the load of laundry that had to be washed twice because the detergent wouldn't rinse out broke me out in nasty red welts all over my legs and butt and abdomen, and a little tiny secondary rash cropped up over the rest of me, it was merciless.  I could hardly sit down, and the itching was maddening.  Anyway, during all that I missed a couple email prompts, then when I wrote an entry, it never appeared.  I've been getting the little emails ever since but I don't know what to do about it.  I'm not so sure the entries will appear.  I went ahead and did the entries for today and yesterday; we'll see how it goes.  I still think a CGI hosted here would do better.
    The situation with The Investor and his family has been improving, although I still don't know what's going on, really.  A few days after I posted the story about their objections, I got word that they were now upset that I wrote the story here.  I became pretty upset myself, beginning to feel as though I were working in way the wrong place.  But time has eased things, as well as great politeness and respect while interacting with them.  I have been carefully considering all the contributions that Joy has been making to the company, and finding them many and large.  I've been so wrapped up in the drudgely aspects of my job that I haven't stopped to take notice all the stuff she's been coordinating.  Whether I want to admit it or not, she's a helluvan asset.  So for the past while I've been trying to remember to tell her so.
    I'm hoping that at some point I can get with her and her husband and find out what exactly the objection to my journal is.  How silly I will feel if it's something that is easy to fix.  I think that the biggest part of the problem is that El Prez is being used as a go-between, because he is so eager to smooth things over that the messages get garbled.  He's suggested a dinner meeting.  I think that's a fine idea.


Quick-and-Dirty Companion Journal 