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State of Affairs is Launched!

I guess I can consider it launched. All the topics icons are not finished yet, and I haven't finished assembling a stable of regular authors yet, but I'm already getting submissions, and it no longer is embarrassing in its unfinished-ness.

Announcing State of Affairs dot US - Commentary on what's going on in the US, how we feel about it, and what we can do.

It's meant to be a common ground across ideologies, so no particular slant is being espoused by the site as a whole. I have purposely approached authors who feel strongly, and don't mind saying so, who are from vastly different viewpoints, and hope to attract participants who are the same. I'm going for the brawl factor, more or less. Okay, debate and discussion. Really.

So go look. Then, if you don't feel like staying this time, come back in a few weeks. Hopefully, by then, it will be one of those train-wreck things you just can't avert your eyes from. He

woooohoooooo!!! *starts spreading the word*

*applause* do we smash a bottle of champagne over the server, cut a ribbon and hope for 'electric dreams' Edgar like effects? *jk*

looks great

- Tuesday, September 02, 2003 at 13:37:06 (EDT)

"But Moles, they rhyme."
Edgar, Electric Dreams

- Thursday, September 04, 2003 at 17:00:18 (EDT)

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