30 Dec 02


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Porn and Pink Blossoms

From a recent email exchange:

> I don't know. Something about the image the word mimosa conjures... old ladies in flower prints, drinking too much and yammering about their grandkids while harassing their waiter by the pool of some pastel-colored hotel in Miami...
> ::shudder::

*giggle* For me it conjures different images. There was this big twisty mimosa out in the front yard where my father lived when I was growing up, and it was perfect for climbing and watching the traffic on Hwy 49 fly by, or looking the other way to the house and the croplands. Later in life, "mimosa" came to mean that tree that leaves lots of sticky pink debris all over my car.

It looked like the title needed a little explanation, and some copy/paste seemed to be in order. Quote above used without permission. I expect the author to LART me if it's not ok to use it.

As for the wisdom part, I'm not necessarily saying that I'm all that wise or anything, just that the world needs more wisdom, and if I happen to encounter any, I'll be sure and write it down here for future reference.

I get some of the best links from jonno's site. I'm not going to copy all of them, but I definitely find this Solresol stuff fascinating. Wlofie threw me this link on it as well.

This looks like a really fun art project, and kind of reminds me of the Obscene Interiors website.

No, I promise you, this is not a weblog. It's a journal. Honest.

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