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Tech Support and Howling Cries of Pain

Tonight, where I work, we have a full weekday crew on technical support. For the night shift, that means everybody, twice as many people as on the weekends. For the day and evening shifts, that means three times as many. We have a whole boatload of people in here with nothing to do. Everybody else is getting drunk and smashing up their cars.

Now, I ask you, does our job in any way resemble those of police officers, EMTs and liquor store clerks? Is there anything about what we do that means we need this much intensity on New Year's Eve? It's not like people get all liquored up and commit irresponsible acts of web design. It's not like they have a few too many and get disorderly with email. Ok, well, maybe they do, but that's not our problem.

As you have probably read, Corsair is in the hospital with a bunch of broken bones. He's gonna be fine, but man it's gonna hurt for a while. Quite a while. You shoulda heard what changing the sheets sounded like. I began to wonder if maybe Amnesty International ought to be called in. Poor guy.

--11:30 PM Eastern

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