14 Jan 03


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Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

I have been so sick. It's probably the worst case of bronchitis I have ever had. And yet I had to go to work, because I have to save up my sick days for emergencies, now that everything has changed. We can't use vacation days or personal holidays for emergencies anymore, and if we run out of sick days and wind up having to take a non-paid day, we get written up.

So I've been working every night and sleeping every day, when I can sleep. For like four days straight I could only manage 2-4 hours per day of sleep, and mostly just lying there wishing I could. Then another 4 days of sleeping constantly (fortunately, part of that was over my weekend). Now today I'm back to 4 hours yesterday and today, so I am pretty tired. The cough is truly horrible, but slowly improving, thanks to antibiotics. The prescription cough medication no longer has any effect, so I've stopped fooling with it.

Man, there is so much stuff I wanna share. Like for instance a couple links to portions of the Life's So Rad site. I was amused and pleased to discover that Corey and Justin use the same method to dye their hair that I do. Great minds and all that. I also found the concept of a duct tape wallet way cool. I may be making one soon.

I know there was more, but I can't concentrate anymore. Going back to bed.

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