Woo hoo!  My domain name,, is up and I have a placeholder page there so it won't look too stupid in there while I get the site made.  It feels so legit!  Now I'm in overdrive to get that site looking right, plus the one for my first client, and a sample page for my prospective second client. 
    I like how they call that thing a domain.  Means turf to me.  Control of my own area.  Kinda harks back to the entry I did on having my own space. 
    I really look forward to exercising more control over my own life, having a domain in terms of physical space, being able to dictate the terms of my own existence.  I really hate being controlled.  A LOT.  I can be so much more efficient when I get to plan my time.  So much of my time is blown in appeasement.  I like to give freely, of my own accord, not have to fork over to keep things peaceful.  Heh, I do a lot of that.