
I actually regret never having tried weed.
Not only did I have sex with the boss...I married him.  Too bad he didn't bother to get a divorce first. 
I stole the tunnels from Old Patagonia.
I have probably broken all the ten commandments except the one about killing.  Well, wait, there were the rabbits. 
I drink milk directly from the jug.
I have  had sex with three different foreign nationals.   Never been disappointed.  Don't ask me who was better.  Too close to call. 
I have been known to lust after fat old white guys.
My mother doesn't know about my tattoo or  my nipple rings, nor that I am bi. 
I pirate images off the net. (Shyeah, and you don't???)
I pick my kids' noses.  Bite their nails too. 
I spend more time thinking about sex, or the lack thereof, than I do about anything else.  Hell, I probably spend more time thinking about sex than I do about everything else combined.
I am crazy about a woman, and if I am not careful, I might fall in love with her. 
I have herpes.  And I am sick and goddamned tired of feeling ashamed about it.
I have been known to lust after short young Hispanic guys.
I don't have a lot of control over my dog. In fact, he pretty much blows me off.
I have done some very stupid things in the quest for sex.  And even stupider ones in the quest for love.
I am having a hard time making confessions, because I have done so much shit, I can't even remember it all.  But I will keep adding as more come to me.
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