18 Oct 00

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Likely Application

I'm watching some real dumb shit on "7 Days" on UPN. There's these US soldiers in the end of a tunnel, protecting some civilians from these other dudes on a hill. The soldier with a goatee (shyeah, right) says, "Well, we don't have a monopoly on ammo." Every forty seconds or so these guys make some whiny ass comment about how little ammo they have, all the while running down mags at full auto.

"Oh man, I only got one clip [sic] left!"

Er, I am no expert these days, but I am pretty sure they could get more bang for the buck outta their M16s (these do look like M16s far as I can tell) by using the old three round burst on the selector switch.

But ole Joe Home Viewer likes lots of fire.

See, the M16, which was the standard issue rifle when I was in, and I pay so little attention that I have no idea if they are even still used, has three settings on the selector switch: semi-auto, burst, and full auto. Semi-auto enables you to fire one round per trigger squeeze. Burst fires three rounds per trigger squeeze. Full auto you know about - the rounds keep coming as long as they last while you keep the trigger down. It's damn wasteful. I mean, it's got its uses, else it wouldn't be there, but this didn't look like a likely application.

Goatee on a US soldier didn't look like a likely application either.


I feel so sexy today. I wore a navy sweater dress to work, a little turtleneck piece that screams "Hug me! Squeeze me! Look at my thighs!" I may be fat, but dressed like this, fat is exciting. 

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