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Chock Full O'Links

I've been saving up links for just such a day as today.

I've been looking at some of these ideas for what to put on the former site of the twin towers. It's nice to dream. Some of these fly in the face of physics, some I found outright offensive, but most are touching, many are inspiring, and some are just plain wow.

This article is about a camera that's going to be mounted on the outside of the shuttle for its 2 Oct launch. Oooooo, neato.

Just in case English is not your native language, Google has a wide variety of search pages for you, even if you speak L337 ("leet"), Igpay Atinlay, Bork-Bork-Bork, or Fudd.

Here's a website devoted to song parodies of a political nature. This kind of thing is a little off-putting to me, but I do understand they are pretty funny to most people. I dunno, I actually enjoy Weird Al parodies, but mass volumes of political ones, just a bit too much for me I guess. At any rate, I very much enjoyed the haiku, and the Ashcroft and Bush collections get rave reviews.

I've been hearing about people scamming the "Nigerian Fee" scammers. Here is one story about the strike back that had me rolling on the floor laughing. And this is the one I think I read about in Wired Magazine. Apparently the Nigerian government set up an informational website to combat this at http://www.nigerianfraudwatch.org/, but the site appears to have been slashdotted - it's no longer available. Not surprising, since I did find the link on Slashdot, where I also found information about arrests as well as what to do if you receive one of these emails. Not like I am about to report them, though. I receive them daily - reporting them all would be a full-time job.

And then this interview with former MTV veejay turned cooking guru Alton Brown led to this site about cooking game hen with lava, which then in turn led to the topic of homemade lava (and other molten things) and generating plasmoids, fresh from your microwave. Eek!

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