27 November 1998
Matriarchal Blessing  
    Mormons do a thing (is it wrong for me to talk about it?) called a Patriarchal Blessing.  This is a practice whereby a usually young person has the hands of a father or a father figure laid upon his or her head, and the adult receives inspiration or revelation about the child's particular abilities and liabilities, special challenges that the child will face, and hints about his or her destiny.  I am very skeptical about the likelihood that this is revelation, as I completely reject the idea that only males can receive revelation from god.  But I do see value in an insightful analysis of the special properties that make up a young person's personality, and helping to arm that person against adversity in life by using that insight.  It doesn't really take any kind of hocus pocus to do this, just keen observation and the patience to pay attention.
    So here, for my children, I offer this primitive and rudimentary Matriarchal Blessing, but without any ceremony.  Just sleep tight as I write.
    Moomie, the thing I feel most strongly when I see you, besides love, is pride.  Your sharp eyes miss nothing, and your powerful mind makes associations that I cannot at first comprehend, but which suddenly bring your world into stunning clarity.  You find shortcuts to the truth which make me gasp with their simplicity and elegance.  As my father could always see the fish beyond the reflections on the surface of the water, so can you see what's real beyond the illusions that complicate matters.  You have in you currents that will once day bring you much wisdom, for you have the magnet of understanding which draws to it wisdom over the years.  You understand quickly, but more importantly, you actively seek to understand.  You accept nothing blindly.
    You, my son, are blessed with health and energy.  You delight in the exercise of your body as well as your mind.  With care, it will serve you well for many, many years.
    Your greatest shortcoming is your lack of confidence, for you are unable to see how amazing you are.  While humility is a virtue, too much can cause problems, and you need to be constantly reminded that you can and do achieve much day by day.  You need to be praised for your accomplishments and consoled for your failures.  You need much love, respect, and encouragement, and you must be shown how to deflect the cruelty of others.  You need to find peace in your wholeness, your health, and your growth, and to understand that you do not need the approval of others to be of great worth.  You are of great worth already.
    Boober, when I see you, the things I feel most strongly besides love are awe and fear.  For in you I see strands of chaos.  You have a very powerful spirit which contains the potential to wreak great harm upon the lives of others, or to create incredible works of positive force and communal good.  You have all the charm and charisma that it takes to lead nations, and the intellect to find ways of enormous advantage.  You also have a huge and passionate heart, which pours out rivers of love and beneficence, but which has the capacity to generate deep hatred. 
    Like your brother, you are blessed with health and energy, although your sinuses will probably plague you to the end of your days.  Or surgery, whichever comes first.
    Your greatest asset is also your deepest flaw, this chaos in you.  For it is chaos that makes life so diverse and rich, and makes the storm so destructive.  I fear for how this characteristic could unfold, and hope that you find peace and contentment somehow.  May you grow to tap the core of your being, and share the love that is within you all your days.  It is a special, distinctly pure love, and humankind will benefit greatly from its light.

    In the name of the creator, a name I do not know, amen.
