Random Than Usual
Monday apparently is a good day to scavenge, too.
What made it home: yet another tv, another (nicer) recliner, more
carpet, and a brand new stereo cabinet. I have no clue why they would
want to throw it out, but it looks like that was what they really were
doing, as they stood there and watched as I took it off the curb.
Maybe it used to have glass on the front, and the glass broke. I
couldn't find a flaw though.
What was left behind: another (nicer) loveseat that
would never fit in the van, a useful-looking tire that I personally have
no use for, a third tv - a huge console deal that I'd injure myself attempting
to lift, and a twin bed that I hated to leave but felt compelled to because
the head and foot boards were propped against a structure far enough away
from the curb to cause doubt as to their disposal.
This morning I removed the dog trolley system from
my back yard. I am just so tired of battling over it, although it
was in compliance with the regulations. Now the housing inspector
wants me to shorten it to 15 feet (a useless distance). I did drive
a really long stake into the ground approximately fifteen feet from the
laundry-line pole, and if I can ever get the strong, thick cable cut to
a shorter length, will fasten it down. It will be a ground level
wire, invisible from the road, for I know that even though I complied,
they will find yet another way to persecute us. It is very wearying.
I also filled in the numerous holes my demon dog
has dug, raked over the churned soil. Took advantage of the opportunity
to bury some poop in the holes, as that is supposed to discourage digging.
Brooklynguy is supposed to come visit this afternoon,
take me out to eat. He hinted at a cake, since last night I mentioned
not baking one this year, just too tiring. Don't think I will go
to AW tonight. <whine> I can't bear to be there and watch while
nothing happens. People always forget my birthday. And it's
really frustrating that I put so much time and effort putting together
other people's birthday parties and nobody ever does the same for me. </whine>
Actually not everybody forgets. Thanks, Ava, for the wishes.
Thank you Brooklynguy, and Javamug.
Black Lotus raised an intersting point just a little
while ago, about ICQ mass message virus warnings. He said that the
messages are just as virulent as a virus itself. Think about it:
one message in a user's inbox becomes 12 or 15 messages going out.
"They exist merely to exist (although senders claim they're to warn the
public). And think about poor 3598594, which may haven't done anything
bad, but rumors are flying on her all over the ICQ net." He is right.
These messages have long ben a thorn in my side, and I never forward them.
Am thinking of telling people who send me these things to take me off their